Tharan Leopold

Tharan Leopold


Northeastern Minnesota Southeastern Minnesota


Northeastern Minnesota Synod Southeastern Minnesota Synod

"Our congregation just started a new challenge campaign to raise commitments to our Mission Endowment Fund. After hearing that Tharan was a regional gift planner in our area, we asked if he would participate in our Mission Endowment Sunday event. Tharan did temple talks at two services and a legacy presentation between services. He has also offered his gift-planning services to congregation members. He has been helpful in providing ideas to our committee as we move forward with our campaign."

"I was stuck. Before my wife passed away, we never got beyond the survivor assuming our assets. Our only child, who is financially secure, wouldn't really benefit from inheriting the estate. I am thankful to have met with Tharan, who asked all the right questions and listened carefully to help me put together an action plan that clarifies the path of distributing my estate when I'm gone. As I work through this process, I know I can call on Tharan at any time with any questions or concerns."